Today I was inspired by an Instagram video regarding marriages.
A couple share their testimony how they were going through the process of a divorce. What lead them to that decision was due to toxic in the relationship, also because all the couple was used to see was broken homes.
But this...
alcohol infidelity fornication adultery childhood traumas
country: united states
future grandchildren
heartache pain drugs
holy spirit
instagram video
new baby
toxic relationships
williams sr
Good afternoon brothers and sisters. I know it's a prayer request but I'm actually here today to thank God for blessing me today with another grandbaby in the oven. 2 in the same yr. Well actually we could use prayer to assure that things go great and smooth for both my daughters and their...
3 beautiful amazing loving good girls
country: united states
excellent moms
future babies
good afternoon brothers
good man
many young people
same yr
tough times
If you are in love with someone and he/she doesn’t reciprocate the gesture, frustrated because of a Break-up then you can use Dr. Guruji white holy magic to attract that lover into your life. Dr. Guruji brought back my husband; he reunited broken marriages and helped solve broken homes. Life is...
1: For years now my family have been under the drive of marital delays and broken homes if eventually must come to and ending this Alter of prayer Amen 2: Forces blocking my siblings especially the boys from Advancement,financially,Academicall
*The strong hold in my father's house that break marriages, a cycle that has brought tears in two consecutive generations. oh ye mountain of broken homes, be Moved * oh ye mountains that makes me put effort in starting other people's business and I get laid off due to hatered be ye removed *...
constant breakups
country: nigeria
other people
spiritual woman agent
strong hold
two consecutive generations
wedding date
wedding ring