Prayiers do help, and I want to thank everyone whom prayed for me after the car accident where I had trauma in my legs and back, the prayers did help,. may God Bless all of You Jim OBrien (I can walk a little now and sleep better and I also had an operation on my back where they scraped my...
Had surgery on my back today from the trauma I had in my legs and in my back, feel better but still hard to walk, and we will see if I can sleep tonight, please keep prayng for me, God Bless You all Jim OBrien(Thanks to Brother James, Wychcrest, R Mathews, for praying for me
Need prayers, yes after my car accident I now have trauma in both of my legs and in my back, upper and lower, please pray for me, hard for me to walk and sleep, God Bless YOU All JIM OBRIEN