I can function best doing things at my own pace.But most often things are flying at me at breakneck speed way beyond my preferences to deal with .That the pace of things slips down to a pace more suitable to me.
I like doing things at my ownn pace and lately things have been flying t me at breakneck speed and its above my pace to deal with it.For. things toSLOW DOWN.
Im dealing with someone who{Im not the only one who says this}is a lunatic. He wants me tro drive reckless and at breakneck speed.He pesters and badgers me about things,at any time. That this lunatic find other things to hold his attention, instead of focusing on me so much.
Carrying the weight of the whole world on my shoulders,with things coming at me at breakneck speed from all directions at once.That song"He's got the whole world in His hands applies to me.I play it and think of myself.But I don't want the whole world in my hands.
Im always choking for time, have to rush through everything like an idiot, which is the opposite of my nature, I like doing things at my own pace,but don't get a chance to do so.That's job related, but also in life things happen{and change}at breakneck speed and again, not my pace.That the mad...
The problem with "the world" is, it's always up in your face. It's always there telling you what "needs to" get done.Even the mail, if you don't make x move, this and this will happen.Call us immediately!But even if you see some importance in it, while you're trying to take action on that...