Please pray that the United Nations would sent an rule to permanently ban people from playing Brawlstars, Fortnite, clash of clans, clashroyale, free fire max, minecraft, among us, Super Smash Bros, League of Legends, Valorant, Apex Legend, Call of Duty, and all video games out of this world.
country: unknown
fortnite clash
legends valorant apex legend call
royale free fire max minecraft
super smash bros league
united nations
video games
There is an video game called Clashroyale recently created 3 new cards. We found out that they created 3 new cards that mocks the God of Trinity. If your kids plays clash of clans, boom beach, hay day, clash royale, or brawlstars; please tell them not to play because supercell is the founder of...
There is an video game called Clashroyale recently created 3 new cards. We found out that they created 3 new cards that mocks the God of Trinity. If your kids plays clash of clans, boom beach, hay day, clash royale, or brawlstars; please tell them not to play because supercell is the founder of...
There is an video game called Clashroyale recently created 3 new cards. We found out that they created 3 new cards that mocks the God of Trinity. If your kids plays clash of clans, boom beach, hay day, clash royale, or brawlstars; please tell them not to play because supercell is the founder of...
There is an video game called Clashroyale recently created 3 new cards. We found out that they created 3 new cards that mocks the God of Trinity. If your kids plays clash of clans, boom beach, clash royale, or brawlstars; please tell them not to play because supercell is the founder of all these...
(You must meet the requirements if you pray for me. If not, you are not from God. 1. You accepted Jesus as your Lord and is non catholic, non saint, non cult 2. You are not a gamer such as brawlstars, etc. 3. You have discerning eyes and do not celebrate halloween or Santa because of its...