we broke up yesterday and it was because i overstepped his boundary of showing up where he was uninvited. i understand wholeheartedly that it was very wrong and i take accountability in that. the day before we broke up we were talking about new boundaries to resolve issues we were having and my...
I'm healing from a breakup from someone who wasn't truly right for me or invested in me.
Its hurt a lot of people besides myself and I enforcing my boundary has resulted in a breakdown in friendships and created even more pain.
I'd for these relationships to be restored, especially with my...
The Blood of Jesus to cover the group of tourists for 25.08-27.08 and the guide to do his job excellent. The tourists to be very happy, protected and no problems, very easy pass the boundary. The guide not to drink in the evening to be alert and very kind. The whole organization and excursion to...
All tourists of my travel agency to have with them all necessary documents for the boundary for the excursion tomorrow and blessed trip and stay there and very satisfied tourists with perfect mood.
I have a crop damage case in court in Nakuru which my neighbor claims but he is using it to grab a piece of our land .I had a request we get surveyor to show us the boundary but they keep avoiding it they have even fenced some and growing crops grazing and damaging tress l pray lord to give me a...
Please bless that my friend can be removed from my family’s life. Her influence has been very damaging to our marriage and this boundary needs to happen in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Job 26:7-14
“God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing. He wraps the rain in his thick clouds, and the clouds don’t burst with the weight. He covers the face of the moon, shrouding it with his clouds. He created the horizon when he separated the waters: he...