LORD GOD, send bold spirit filled Christians to preach the Word and may the following people and children accept You Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour - send Christians to ###, ###, and ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###...
angela barbara aaron james
bedihy andrea andrew children christine sarah husband daughters
country: egypt
debbie lorraine sue gill georgina mr hassan
future cindy dana dawn
future jack jane jenny june linda ray daughters
lynne monica penelope rose hugh tully beulah yosef
phoebe barbara bobby daniela rupert william tom jenny catherine vivian darci
wife children
Lord God, please send bold spirit filled Christians to preach the Word boldly to ###, ### and their children, ###, ### & ###. I pray the children are dedicated to grow up and serve You Lord God, like Hannah dedicated Samuel. I pray these 3 boys will grow up to serve the living God and preach to...
Good morning sir/ma. I want you to pray that an excellent sprit and bold spirit come on me on the day of my K1 Visa interview. I disconnect from sprit of fear, failure and anxiety. I want my Visa to be approved so as to join my fiance in July, 2022 and for us to get married.