body mouth speech hand

  1. Thetiech

    Stroke part of my left brain & right part of body, mouth, speech, hand and legs

    Hi Ave Maria and Jesus Christ I am Hindu.Stroke part of my left brain & right part of body, mouth, speech, hand and legs; 3.5years back & ongoing issues . I have like am broca's aphasia & low memories of the brain. Ave Maria and Jesus Christ can and would for intercession about me & my stroke...
  2. Thetiech

    Stroke part of my left brain & right part of body, mouth, speech, hand and legs; 3.5years back & ongoing issues .

    Hi Ave Maria and Jesus Christ I am Hindu.Stroke part of my left brain & right part of body, mouth, speech, hand and legs; 3.5years back & ongoing issues . I have like am broca's aphasia & low memories of the brain. Ave Maria and Jesus Christ can and would for intercession about me & my...
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