Devine healing in my eyes and body. Devine protection over myself,Jason, Gaige and family. That my Dad can take the infusion for his B cell lymphomia, on the 7th without any complications .that it gives him strength , and some Quality of life. Prayers for my mother to be able to handle this ...
Devine Healing in my eyes and body Devine protection over myself Jason Gaige and family. Open Dolors for a Monday through Friday job Open Doors for a new car bonuses and advancement .
Devine Healing in my eyes and body Devine protection over myself Jason Gaige and family. Open Dolors for a Monday through Friday job Open Doors for a new car bonuses and advancement .
Mami healing for her knees and she don’t have to have surgery in Jesus name. Sheila deliverance, healing, restoration in her body, divine protection for family from their enemies. God bless always.
Devine healing in my eyes and body
Devine protection over myself Andy Jason and family. That Andy and I are. Married soon.
That I find a house to buy. And a new car
Open doors for these things.
Devine Healing in my eyes and body
Devine protection over myself Andy Jason
And family
That Andy and I are married soon
That I find a home to buy
That better job openings come soon
Devine healing iny eyes and body Devine protection over myself Andy. jason. And family That I find a home to buy snd get some help to Buy it That job oportinities are open up soon That my income tax comes in soon
Devine healing in my eyes and body
Devine protection ovwr myself Andy and family
That Andy and I are marries soon
That i find a home to buy
That our facility is. Covid free
So the residence can be turned. Loose
Devine Healing in my eyes and body Devine protection over myself Andy and family. That Andy and I are married soon. That i find a hime to buy that I find a better job with more money or advancement with raise
Devine Healing in my eyes and body Devine orotection over myself Andy and family. That Andy and I are married soon. That i find a hime to buy that I find a better job with more money or advancement with raise