blood sugar issues

  1. Niman

    Praying that God heals me of this ...

    Praying that God heals me of this constant leg aches and pain along with neck and back pains and every body pains too. Praying to stop the habit of cracking my bones too much. Praying that blood sugar issues come to an end permanently. I don’t want any pains anymore. I’m free.
  2. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray the Lord heals all thos ...

    pleas epray the Lord heals all thos ehwo nee dhelaign and new teeth and heals me of type one diabetes despite my unbelif. Lor hdave emrcy pleas hela my grandm who is bedridden Lor di keep eatign the wrong foods help me not to eat the wrong foods again help me God please hela my teeth pelase...
  3. Jesussaves89

    BIG praise report: thank you Lord thank ...

    BIG praise report: thank you Lord thank you so much i recieved helaign three times in my jaw and teeth toda ythank you Lord. thanks also last night i got helaign. coutnlessmiralce.s thnak you Lord pleas ehal my grandma Lord hela he rof dementia and small bwoel obstuction syndrome. Please also...
  4. Jesussaves89

    praise report: I prasie God for helign ...

    praise report: I prasie God for helign my teeth chifitng theminto plac ena djaws and givign me mroe sttrenght prai ethe Lor.d thnaky ou all for prayers. pelas epray tha the Lor dhela my grandma of all illness and blood suag rissues and help em care for her. Lor dpelas ehla her an dmy mom of...
  5. Jesussaves89

    askign God to please make my fmailiys ...

    askign God to please make my fmailiys life mroe enjoyabel better health and no mor eblodo suagr issues diabetes and mroe fiaht itn he Lord aaksing God ot helamy dads heart valve. havent seenmy dad in 7 years. pelase Lor dprovide finances amnd means so he cna trvel and see us.pelas ealsop hel p...
  6. Jesussaves89

    praise reprot: yesterda yi recieved healign on ...

    praise reprot: yesterda yi recieved healign on my teeth and aws. thank you Lord Jeus Chirst. Yo are the GREAT phacisan. thnak yu to al praiyng for me i lvoe oyu chruhc. MAy God sWIl be doen in or lives. may we experience the KIngdom fo Heaven God's powr in a frehs way al of us. MAy hope fill all...
  7. Jesussaves89

    Praise report: the Lord heas given em ...

    Praise report: the Lord heas given em healign in ym teeth anjaws throught he day and last several weeks i praise HIm immensely . THe Lord heals teeth and gus boens i am living proof. btu i lso know that it is in part of YOur prayrs. I am so grateful i know tht it was caus eof oyu rprayers too...
  8. Jesussaves89

    praise reprot: the lor dhas healed osmuch ...

    praise reprot: the Lord has healed sio much of my facial bones and teeth! thank You Lord+ You are the Great Physician thank you Lord Jesus Christ also prais e God.. i have bette rmbolitiy over my left baby toe. thank you Lord! He is the Best! thanky ouf or all your prayer.s pelas epray fo rmy...
  9. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray tha ti am abel to ...

    pleas epray tha ti am abel to handle all the presure.Lor dpelas ehlp my mom and help me take car eof my gradnam. pelase tlak to my mom to stop complainign ALL day all the time. i owuld liek tosme quiet. pelase tel her itis very destructive her rantign iam so tired. pelas epray the Lor dheals me...
  10. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray tha ti am abel to ...

    pleas epray tha ti am abel to handle all the presure.Lor dpelas ehlp my mom and help me take car eof my gradnam. pelase tlak to my mom to stop complainign ALL day all the time. i owuld liek tosme quiet. pelase tel her itis very destructive her rantign iam so tired. pelas epray the Lor dheals me...
  11. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray tha ti am abel to ...

    pleas epray tha ti am abel to handle all the presure.Lor dpelas ehlp my mom and help me take car eof my gradnam. pelase tlak to my mom to stop complainign ALL day all the time. i owuld liek tosme quiet. pelase tel her itis very destructive her rantign iam so tired. pelas epray the Lor dheals me...
  12. Jesussaves89

    praise God i recieve dhelaign on my ...

    praise God i recieve dhelaign on my teeth! .pleas ehal and save lal my fmialy mebers. pelase dlieve rus form all malnourishment. pelas help em feed and clena ym grdnae.pelase dlieve rus form all blod sugar issues. pelase sned mye my own husbuabdn. Lor dim so tire dof eing lonel yhave merc...
  13. Jesussaves89

    i woudl liekt o be heale dof ...

    i woudl liekt o be heale dof type 1 diabetes adn blodo suagr issues. i dotn kwnow hat to so sad abotu my body.i want helaign and i needhelaign for my grnamda hwo ic are ofr alld ay. pelas elor dotuch her ALmgihty God witht he powe rof oyur holy spirit pelas hela her pelase also hela my...
  14. Jesussaves89

    PRAISe report: the Lor dhave given me ...

    PRAISe report: the Lor dhave given me much helaign in my jaws and teeth ! praise the Lord Lor dplease pelase hela my gtrandm ahelp me to feed her dleive rhe rform all small bowel obstruction blood sugar blood pressure nerrow arnaterie small. Lor depleas ehal her eyes and heal us both form and al...
  15. Jesussaves89

    Lord Jeus Chris thelp em to be ...

    Lord Jeus Chris thelp em to be whatver it is you want em to be so that Christ mpower be displayed by the hOly spirit. askign you topelas ehla my grandma who has been bedridden for years. pelas ehal her brian her blood pressur eher eyes deliver her blood of all bacteir ainfections. pelase heal...
  16. Jesussaves89

    Lord i ask you i beg you ...

    Lord i ask you i beg you pelas hela my gradnam she has been bedridden for years. please do a miracle open her eye splease open her eyes help her speak heal her form all bloo dpressure demenita small bowel obstuction syndorm all glory is your. deformities blood sugar issues ( and mysle ftoo. Lor...
  17. Jesussaves89

    pleas erpay for my fmaily salvation adn ...

    pleas erpay for my fmaily salvation adn healign. please pray my family is delivere dof all unclean spirits forever by our lord and savior the lord jeus christ. please pray ym grandma is heale dof malnutrtion body deformities muscle looss nutrition small bowel obstruction syndorme blood suagr...
  18. Jesussaves89

    aksign god to hela my fmaiyl in ...

    aksign god to hela my fmaiyl in every way an dhelp wih al my tasks. lor dpelas ehal my blood suarg issues. please pelase. hela my bllood suagr issues and dehydration issues. please hela my grandma of all illness pleae release her form dmeentia prison adn from small obstruction boel prison...
  19. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for me i am goign ...

    pleas epray for me i am goign to the clinic to get papers for grandma and then hospital to get perscription for diapers. i pray God mov emightily in my life and grandmas life. Please Lor dplease fix the system in Hngary. also pleas eprotect my comign and goign . let the Holy sprit take control...
  20. Jesussaves89

    pleas epra ym grandma Schnieder Vimosné be ...

    pleas epra ym grandma Schnieder Vimosné be healed by the holy Stripe sof the Lrd Jeus Christ. that the Lord heal her form head to toe and heal her form small bowel obstruction syndroem alignment issues deliverance form dementia flesh eatign bacteria blood sugar issues. gout and kidneys briana nd...
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