lor dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy blood suagr illness type diabetes deliver her form all flehs eatign bacteria lal illness and disease int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst thank You Lord. for all your...
country: hungary
dads' spinal fracture
excellent marriage success
excellent organ function brain function
family blood line
grandma schneider vilmos
malnutrition muscle atrophy bloodsugarillness type diabetes
new gums bones teeth
type 1 diabetes
Lord Jesus Christ dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy blood suagr illness type diabetes deliver her form all flehs eatign bacteria lal illness and disease int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst thank You...
country: hungary
dads' spinal fracture
excellent marriage success
excellent organ function brain function
family al kingdom spouses
family blood line
grandma schneider vilmos
muscle atrophy bloodsugarillness type diabetes
new gums bones teeth
lor dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy blood suagr illness type diabetes deliver her form all flehs eatign bacteria lal illness and disease int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst thank You Lord. for all your...
country: hungary
dads' spinal fracture
excellent marriage success
excellent organ function brain function
family blood line
grandma schneider vilmos
malnutrition muscle atrophy bloodsugarillness type diabetes
new gums bones teeth
type 1 diabetes
lor dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy blood suagr illness type diabetes deliver her form all flehs eatign bacteria lal illness and disease int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirst thank You Lord. for all your...
country: hungary
dads' spinal fracture
excellent marriage success
excellent organ function brain function
family blood line
grandma schneider vilmos
malnutrition muscle atrophy bloodsugarillness type diabetes
new gums bones teeth
type 1 diabetes
lor dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes insipidus if that is what she has and the root caus ethereof. pelas ehal her finger so they ar ento deforme dor broken and her toes as well. give her...
country: hungary
excellent organ function brain function
family blood line
grandma schneider vilmos
heal g bor
malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes
merry heart jesus chris stand
merry heart pleas
new gums bones teeth
lor dpelas eheal my grandma schneider vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes insipidus if that is what she has and the root caus ethereof. pelas ehal her finger so they ar ento deforme dor broken and her toes as well. give her...
country: hungary
excellent organ function brain function
family blood line
grandma schneider vilmos
heal g bor
malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes
merry heart jesus chris stand
merry heart pleas
new gums bones teeth
Lor dpelas eheal my grandma Schneider Vilmosné who has been bedridden for years please dleiver her form malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes insipidus if that is what she has and the root caus ethereof. pelas ehal her finger so they ar ento deforme dor broken and her toes as well. give her...
country: hungary
dleive rhim form
excellent organ function brain function
family blood line
grandma schneider vilmos
malnutrition muscle atrophy diabetes
merry heart jesus chris stand
merry heart pleas
spiritual attack pelase