2 groups of people are loudly talking infront and near of my building. It's almost 2 am. Please let them feel convicted and guilty for what they are doing. And Lord please total peace. One group of them are my trouble- and noisemaking neighbours.
No bloating - stomach and good sweet sleep...
No difficulties breathing.
No bloating.
Stomach and digg system all right
Breathing through nose mouth easy
Easy caughing out.
No allergy.
No virus.
My vocal cords, throat larynx healed.
No.feeling of fever.
I thank God I believe I have received healing for my Bloating stomach. I thank God I believe i have received healing for my excess stomach gas. I thank God i believe I have received healing for my food intolerance. I thank God I have received healing for my chronic abdominal spasms and pains. I...