black ball

  1. Awivis


    Lord thank you for the work you have done in her. Praise you Lord for the healing you have already provided. Thank you for answering my prayer and giving me a love towards her after your own heart. Already people are wondering how I got her after waiting for 8 years. One of my friends asked if I...
  2. Awivis

    Letting go

    Lord in a spirit you show me a black ball. Kind of like a ball of yarn but it's like worms and it moves. You have shown me this inside of her belly. In spirit I have felt this is a symbol of her past and traumas. I have told her about what I have seen and that there is something she must let go...
  3. Awivis

    Letting go

    Lord in a spirit you show me a black ball. Kind of like a ball of yarn but it's like worms and it moves. You have shown me this inside of her belly. In spirit I have felt this is a symbol of her past and traumas. I have told her about what I have seen and that there is something she must let go...
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