big hospital

  1. Anonymous

    Prayer request

    Good morning pptribe.. Please pray for my mother in law she's in the hospital very sick she as diabetes and BP.. right now she's being transferred to a big hospital her names are Beatrice Chilimbo please stand in the gap for us thank you 🙌🙌🙌
  2. Manin

    Please pray for me I am three ...

    Please pray for me I am three months pregnant and in ultra sound report it found that it may be some chromosomes disability. For that she told me to test again so that she confirmed. That test will be done on after 15 days. So we are going tomorrow to another big hospital for fetous test. Please...
  3. Raleg

    Greetings to you in Jesus name Plz ...

    Greetings to you in Jesus name Plz pray for My grandfather Mr. Durga Das He is high BP again Doctors refore Keonjhar to Cuttack Big hospital He is very serious so plz Praying Jesus Christ Heal how to good Mr. Durga Das Plz praying 🙏🏻
  4. Anonymous

    Prayer for Cancer/lump for my aunt

    Recently, my aunt was told by doctor that she might have a cancer. They were referred to a big hospital and was waiting for the results. Please pray for her and let the Holy Spirit of Lord God touch her and heal her completely.Amen
  5. Juryl

    Please help me in prayers praying for ...

    Please help me in prayers praying for my brother who has a swollen heart &river with lots of water surrounded that makes him having heavily breathing. As we are speaking now was taken on by an ambulance to a big hospital where they are draining the access water that sorrounded his heart please...
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