I am going through all kinds of tempations from satan and he is fighting for me so I will miss my way to heaven. Please pray for me and for all kinds of sickness he is bringing on myself. May God have mercy on those who are going through hell and back. Also pray for the flooding in California to...
Pray that I will have a baby next year. I want all my babies to grow up in the knowledge of the Lord and send them to a Christian Schools and Bible Schools and seminary so they will prepare themselves to serve the Lord. I want all my children to love Jesus with all their heart, mind and soul.
Dear Jesus, please protect those who are in the path of the hurricane, protect all churches, Christian schools, and bible schools where flood is ocurring. May Your love and mercy come to all of those affected by this storm. In Jesus name. Amen
Let us all pray for the worlds tragedy that is happening around us. The forest fires in Canada, Lahina fires that destroyed churches, bible schools and homes of a lot of people, Hilarys fury on Mexico and California caused mud slides, floods and destruction. O Lord, we ask for mercy on those who...
Requesting prayers for those affected by the storm Hilary that hit Califonia and cause mudsliddes and flood in cities and towns everywhere. Please pray for Palm Spring and Death Valley flood where destroyed homes and churches. Please God, stop this storm and send relief to those affected. All...
Requesting prayers for Canadas wildfires on the Northwest Territories. Towns and cities have to be evacuated for fear of burning the houses. O Lord, send rain and stop this fires that is spreading all over the place. O God, protect all churches, all bible schools, all Christian schools and...
Would you all please pray for those horrible wilfires in Hawaii that destroyed homes and churches and bible schools. O Lord, help them all we pray, send funds to rebuild all churches and seminaries so lost souls will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord.
Jesus has chosen us to be His very own, He love us, He cares for us and He is coming so soon to take us all home to heaven. We, as chosen by God Himself will be taking of all children who are growing up in cities, towns and places where they do not hear Gods word. Churches, radio stations...
Let us all be fasting and praying before the Lord whom to choose to lead our country. Who that will be?
A. The one who loves the Lord with all their heart, mind and soul.
B. The one who cares for people.
C. The person who prays for others and loves his country with everything they have.