bible prophecy

  1. BlessedbyGod


    EASY TO UNDERSTAND/EXCELLENT TEACHING ON THE BOOK OF REVELATION (Very IMPORTANT book in the bible - This is BIBLE PROPHECY, of things that must shortly come to pass), (the words of Jesus Christ). THE BOOK OF REVELATION (Explained Verse by Verse/Chapter by Chapter), by ROBERT BREAKER of...
  2. Bukisonan

    Please continue to pray for a man ...

    Please continue to pray for a man and his family to be saved, born again Christians. Please pray they will believe the gospel and turn from their religion to Jesus. Please pray they will have a lot of support especially after they are saved and Lord-willing baptized someday. I pray they will...
  3. Nuddin

    After The Rapture

    Have you ever considered what life on earth would be like if what they say about the Rapture is true? I would never want to offend you. In fact, greatly care for you. So that’s why I take the risk of giving you this thought-provoking book about what would happen to the world if what they...
  4. Steven Bobb

    People praying to end the Ukraine war ...

    People praying to end the Ukraine war , or Putin to back off, are actually praying AGAINST Bible prophecy and the words of Jesus.When asked the signs of the last days, Jesus said,{among other things,}"There will be wars and rumors of wars."If these prophecies are in the Bible, {and no signs that...
  5. Rasulonly

    Jesus said” I will never forsake you.” Father your ways are beyond our understanding

    When my family members forsaked me I knew I was fulfilling a bible prophecy. Jesus showed me through one of his pastors that there will be a time in your life when your family members will forsake you even the mother you gave birth to you will forsake you, but Jesus said I will never forsake...
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