beneficial relationships

  1. natasha2

    Quality friendships, quality love+ marriage in 2024

    Real friends for me. Right friends for me. Encouraging compassionate and friends living their purpose and being relatively successful (no parasites). No fake friends. No unhealthy relationships. Deep quality friendships. Mutualy bemeficial relationships. Deep quality love relationship and...
  2. natasha2

    Dream home, love/marriage, job/career, friendships...

    Dream = Ideal. Dream home. Dream lifelong love relationship and marriage. Dream job/career/business. Dream mutualy benefitial relationships, friendships (longlasting), connections, helpers, benefactors, sponsors, mentors...(emotionaly, socialy, professionaly...) Dream life.
  3. natasha2

    Protection; no time-joy-energy-money waisters

    Protection over me and my family. No time, money, energy, joy, peace waisters in Jesus name, amen. Only beneficial relationships and connections in Jesus name, amen.
  4. natasha2

    Living my purpose; mutualy beneficial relationships

    Living with passion and purpose - my destiny. Happy, healthy, wealthy, prosperous life. Lord, bring to me mutually beneficial relationships (business helpers, sponsors, teachers, friendships, marriage relationship, the best church for me).
  5. lynn peter

    A Prayer For Older People

    Lord of love, thank you for everything and yes to all that is to come. Bless and comfort every older person, remove fears and loneliness..may they feel your powerful but gentle closeness. Nothing we say or do can add to your heavenly glory. Lord of love and mercy, forgive our poor faith. May we...
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