Prayer that the bugs are not so abundant this year. They bite me 20 times a day all summer. My screen is broken so they get in even worse. It hurts so bad, it's a summer of torment. I had a vision dream of a beautiful two-story house on the beach, please let it be true. I also had vacation after...
Jesus why do evil succeed, they destroy my family and my parents life’s and they are reaping benefits, living in beautiful places , stolen money from others , sending their kids to great schools and at the same time destroying us . Jesus I leave it in your hands .
Praying for a good woman Release what stands in my way from seeing my true love. Make the one I love see me in the light of love and make every line fall in beautiful places for me.
In your spare time take a wonderful reading of your future, on what is going to happen to earth and to our eternal destiny in heaven. How to reach those beautiful places Jesus is preparing for us? Where are we right now? When are we gona get there?
Love this book so much. John Bunyan in...