Hello, please pray fir us to have enough money for food abs to pay all of our bills also that my hair would grow long and beautiful abs get fixed beautiful tomorrow by Courtney with no problems thank you
Hello, please pray fir God to make me beautiful abs make my hair long and beautiful and healthy too also deliverance fro. All demons and evil for me too thank you
Hello, please pray for God to make me beautiful and feel beautiful abs for all guilt and shame to go away concerning the past and past mistakes thank you
Hello, please pray for God to heal my skin and fix my hair so it’s beautiful abs restore everything the enemy has stolen from me or tried to steal from me like my voice thank you, please pray for all satanic attacks to stop
Hello, please pray fir God to do a miracle in my life abs at my job and at my home that God would make me look beautiful abs lose weight again and feel beautiful without needing a guys approval thank you