Terrible noise from the neighbour upstairs. He is walking like a bear up and down and making noise with rollerblades doors windows, toilet water etc etc.....it's ### min past midnight. I must go to work early tomorrow.
Lord let my upstairs neighbour finally stops being loud in his apartment walking like a bear and slamming with doors, windows, and all other kinds of noises. He doesn't care.
Unbeleivable after he has walked up and down like a bear he is taking a shower and listening to a very loud music in a bathroom because of the noise of the shower. It's past 10 pm!!!! Our bathrooms are very accoustic and he knows it!!
On a top of that, my next door neighbours are having late...
Its past 10 pm and my neighbour upstairs is again walking like a bear. Up and down, up and down....My walls are trembling
Lord I need peace and sleep in Jesus name.
It is really abnormal how my neighbours make noise. I can hear like waterfalls from the bathroom of my upstair neighbour and my next door neighbours are like moving furniture. Please pray also against loud voices non stop talking and my upstair neighbour is walking up and down like a bear.
Sudden Noise in the neighbourhood. My neighbour upstairs walking like a bear up and down and loudly using toilette etc. My other neighbour started to be restless and it is all together annoying and I want to go to sleep and it is 9:30 pm
It's 10.30 pm. I want to sleep but my upstairs and next door neighbours are very noisy. Very loud talking and laughing, loud TV, walking like bear etc etc...
No swelling or pain in my dental flesh.
Loed, please no noise from my neighbours, especially not night noise. Walking like a bear, all kinds of noise in the toilette etc etc...
Good sweet sleep.
Be on time for work. No latemess of the train and no lateness - me. Waking up on time, arriving on time everywhere. Using a train, not a...
I feel like giving up on my marriage and walk away I'm mentally and physically drained this man hides and do bear minimum and then make it seems like I'm crazy.. I believe the devil is using people to tell him what to do after I've been holding and carrying all the burden for 3 years
Lord, my monthly is here. I HATE it. I fear and dread this time of the month more than anything. It hurts SO bad, you’d think a bear was trying to violently rip me apart inside. Tomorrow is a *really* important day though so if you’re willing, please don’t let it hurt so much. Please let it be...
Please let all my neighbours be quiet. They are making big noise shouting and like somebody is jumping on the couch. Lord no parties tonight no noise in and around my building in Jesus name. No loud walking. My neighbour upstairs is walking like a bear and it seems like somebody is on the druggs.
Prayers for Bear this morning as he gets a growth removed and teeth cleaned. Pray that everything will go well today and Gods protection healing in Jesus Name
My upstair neighbour is walking like a bear up and down through his condo, and my next door neighbours play some really loud game or watching tv. Loud cars.
Very noisy neighbour.
2 am.
He is walking like a bear.
Flushing the water in the toilette etc etc...
My walls are trembling.
Lord, put peace upon him, in Jesus name, let him go to sleep.
My neighbour upstairs is very unpleasantly noisy.
He walks like a bear, so that my walls are trembling.
Thank you for praying for peace over him and the whole neighbourhood.
Good sweet sleep.
No tension or nervosity of the stomach or any other stomach issues.
Unbelievable, the neighbour upstairs is walking like a bear up and down, up and down, my walls are trembling, and its already midnight in couple of minutes.
Using water in the toilette, dragging his slippers, horrible!
Lord, put peace upon neighbour and bind the devil behind it in Jesus name...
Please pray that my neighbour upstairs will stop walking like a bear.
WHen he comes home, i cannot have peace.
Lord, remove him from this appartement and replace him with some quiet neighbour or let this appartement be just empty.
Last night he woke me up with his annnoying walking up and...
Peace upon my neighbour upstair who is walking up and down like mad.
I hear his steps loud. Walking like a bear, drawing his noisy slippers/shoes.
Lord, let him be sensitive to my requests and requests of the other neighbour not to make such noise with his walking, blinds/shutters, slamming...
Lord, please let my neighbour upstairs stop being so loud.
When he comes from outside he makes such terrible noise like earthquake.
Walks like a bear, slamms with doors, flushes toilette etc etc..
I go to sleep always before he comes.
Lord, please have mercy.
I need sleep.It is almost 11 pm.