bank money

  1. Taingor

    Please read the whole thing. I didn't list half of the situation

    An extremely dangerous narcissistic woman took a picture of my face when it was 2022 writing all the false spoken statements that is so long that I don't even know anything what she wrote about me to all the criminal gang members. They got extremely rageful at the wrong person and I am suffering...
  2. Culorgoon

    (Please read the whole part and don't think it's a waste.)

    I am suffering from misplaced rage about a situation, misplaced retribution, false equivalence, and mass defamation. They have stolen ###'s phone, his bank money, leaking our personal information, and monitoring every move. I am the victim of serious cybercrime and exploitation after they have...
  3. Desmorimos

    extremely dangerous offenders and criminals

    I am suffering from mass defamation, false equivalence, and misplaced retribution based on misunderstandings. They pray against me thinking I had problems of the defamatory words that I do not know. Please pray that they will know the exposed truth. They are face recording me every day for...
  4. Romonle

    Solution for my Job

    Brethren, I made a mistake at work ### ago. The person I paid had changed their bank and I paid into their regular bank account that was used for many years. The customer said they had not closed their old bank account but had no access as they owed the bank money. My boss requested a reversal...
  5. Losainey

    Bank refund

    I pray that Lord help me to resolve all my bank money that has been hanging for up to ### weeks to be refunded back to me in Jesus' Name, amen 🙏
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