Healthy normal regular moderate: MENSTRUAL CYCLE, PERIOD
Healthy whole revived renewed detoxified: REPRODUCTIVE and, FEMALE ORGANS
Normal and healthy MENOPAUSE transition without symptoms.
Balanced HORMONS.
Everything connected to that healthy normal regular...
Thick and dense hair please like it used to be.
Strong healthy hair and sculp.
Balanced hormons, healthy endocrine system.
I am really worried because my hair is visibly thiner.
I noticed hair to much falling out and it seems like hairs are thiner.
I had always very thick and dense hair.
I am...
No unnecessary or unhealthy fallling out of my hair.
Healthy strong thick and dense hair like it used to be.
Balanced hormons.
Healthy endocrine system.
Everything connected to hair healthy and balanced.
I am female, 50.
Let everything connected to my period and menstrual cycle be healthy. Moderate periods, regular menstrual cycle. Healthy menopause transition. Peace of body and soul. Everything healthy and balanced. Hormons in balance. Endocrine system healthy. Reproductive and female organs healthy. No...
Please pray for
1) health of my female/reproductive organs
2) balanced hormons
3) everything around my menstrual cycle and period healthy, regular, normal)
4) healrhy eatung, sleeping exercicing habits
5) peace, harnony in my body mind soul.spirit
6) dropping ro my perfect weight (10-15 kg)...