My father has a really (mind my words) annoying and evil girlfriend. She spends most of her time lying, gossiping, and trying to create drama. My father is a severe alcoholic and she likes to take advantage of this. She tends to gossip and feed him with bad ideas when he’s drunk and he acts upon...
Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.
—Psalm 119:114 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Where can we go to remain secure from the onslaught of bad ideas, evil influences, and false hopes? We can go to God and his Word. While people can be disloyal and misguided, God's...
119 114 kjv thoughts
country: reserved
evil influences
false hopes
hiding place
holy bible new international version
international bible society
shield hope
zondervan publishing house
JESUS CHRIST let my paycheck be right thank you JESUS and let my insurance check come in sooner than later and let them fix the ceiling in the room and get out and not b in here stealing and looking at people with bad ideas and let it go good at work that we get help and that we get done with...