bad heart

  1. Todvel

    Surgery survival healing

    Please pray for my sister ### who has a bad heart and will have surgery today and could possibly not survive surgery. Please pray she makes it out of surgery and gets healed so she can see her children grow up.
  2. Anonymous

    For protection and help

    Everything seems to be going wrong. In every aspect. Scared I will lose the house that I worked hard to buy and fix. Scared of losing income. Scared for my health. My kidneys are going bad. I just found out that my heart medication causes renal failure. Scared for family. My daughter is failing...
  3. Anonymous

    Bad relationship

    Pray for God clean ken's bad heart, calculate every cents even though we have a son together, he is selfish, bossy, lie abuse, aggressive control, dirty. He keep money, play pokies machine, only pay two bills, and all overdue bills people chasing me until sheriff letter came. I don't know what...
  4. Anonymous

    Lord Jesus, I praise you, and thank ...

    Lord Jesus, I praise you, and thank you. I glorify you. Lord Jesus I praise you that all my Mom's demonic strongmen have lost power. I bind off of me any demonic strongmen and women that my mom has set up to keep me under oppression, standing on Matthew 18:18. Lord Jesus, I ask that you lift up...
  5. Guylor

    This prayer request is for my grandmother ...

    This prayer request is for my grandmother Lana. she has 70 percent blockage to her heart and just found out she has colon cancer she is 78 years old they cannot operate on her to do her heart. She needs open heart surgery and a part of her colon removed because she cannot go to the bathroom at...
  6. Llunreg

    Please Pray for me .I have a ...

    Please Pray for me .I have a very bad heart , and high blood Pressure. Iam being neglected by Doctors. Thankyou . Stella.
  7. Thomac

    I have really bad chest pain and ...

    I have really bad chest pain and anxiety. What is wrong with my sister? She has misophonia, an ear and hearing condition but she is also a big bully and demanding and eats unhealthy. They are all Jehovah's Witnesses. I cant breathe in this house. I pray every day that they get delivered of it as...
  8. Anonymous

    Lord Jesus, I pray Proverbs 26:24-26 A ...

    Lord Jesus, I pray Proverbs 26:24-26 A hateful person disguises himself with his speech and harbors deceit within. When he speaks graciously, don’t believe him, for there are seven abominations in his heart. Though his hatred is concealed by deception, his evil will be revealed in the assembly...
  9. Borguskan

    Matt viar please pray for my anyrisom ...

    Matt viar please pray for my anyrisom and pray for me not to die or go blind also pray for my bad heart and ankle and please pray for me to get some money so I can get a car or just a car thank you
  10. Haverax

    I pray for my friend,but I would ...

    I pray for my friend,but I would like a number praying for him. He has to have surgery with a bad heart. His name is Greg Ulick
  11. Aquilheim

    Please pray that our Lord watch over, ...

    Please pray that our Lord watch over, protect and help my friend Romel he has a very bad heart, and let the new meds he is taking work.
  12. Miranda T

    Wisdom and Discernment

    Pray that God encamps me with many holy angels and let them be them be the messengers of God. Pray that God will give me wisdom and discernment to discern the motive and meaning behind the scenes and behind the wordings and the hearts of human beings. Pray that God will protect me from being...
  13. Kloraes

    Praise God, our Heavenly Father for everything. ...

    Praise God, our Heavenly Father for everything. I need prayer at this moment for me and my family, I need protection from my estranged mother who has abused me over the years. She is elderly but still quite capable and continues to hurt and badger me. I have trouble in therapy and look to the...
  14. Chinthac

    lord my father , lord come rescue ...

    lord my father , lord come rescue me@my current job of current stuation irritating me,lord pls come, my boss have a big heart of me with my over time, he keep complaining, stops me to come work on satdays,, and ask my colleques to come do my job, lord im not happy with this, pls come, yesterd y...
  15. Anonymous

    Freda is so I’ll. She has cancer ...

    Freda is so I’ll. She has cancer and a bad heart and is a walking time bomb doctors say. She keeps having strokes. Please don’t let her suffer. When it’s her time to go Lord, I ask that you take her quickly and with ease.
  16. NeedToCancelAccount

    Broken Hearted Mother

    For anyone, male or female, who has an adult child with an alcohol or drug addiction, I can feel your pain. My heart is so broken because my son and I no longer talk and probably will never talk again. It isn't because I haven't tried, it's simply because of the way the situation in his life has...
  17. Numilal

    My young cousin 13, soon to be ...

    My young cousin 13, soon to be 14, has a bad heart. It is complicated and flipped backwards. The doctors has given her 3 years. Please pray that a miracle happens and she is healed and can live a long and successful life happy life. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
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