Hi brothers and sisters, I'm in need of prayers please I'm feeling some spiritual attacks where it feels like I'm going to die it's like something or someone is taking my soul out of my body as I try to fall asleep. I don't know if I ate some bad foods with something in it's during the day or if...
abusive partner
church service
country: australia
fellow bible study friends
gods child
heavy injecting drugs
spiritual attacks
spiritual connection
Jesus please let my son realize he has to eat better. He is having serious stomach issues and he refuses healthier foods. Let him realize he doesn't have to stop bad foods completely, just limit them. Please also let my husband stop buying junk food. Also, please let my mother in law not be in...
Jesus please help me I am overwhelmed, not feeling well, so much to do, my son won't cooperate and study--AGAIN--and keeps eating bad foods despite me trying to keep him from it, and is being very demanding and inconsiderate. Please let something give. Please also let my husband be ok at his job...
Jesus please let my son stop craving bad foods and stop throwing fits about it when I tell him he can't. I can't deal with this. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son stop being so difficult and listen to me..he thinks he knows everything and will not cooperate. Please let him know I am only trying to help him and keep him safe. He keeps eating bad foods and doing unhealthy things. Please let him stop. And please let the stray cat that...
Jesus please let my son stop being so bad and eating bad foods. Give him desire to eat better and stop watching bad stuff on the internet. Thank you Jesus, Amen.