LORD, Jehovah Rapha, El Roi, El Elyon, Jehovah Rophe, El Olam, El Shaddai, please heal, restore, regenerate, rejuvenate, replenish, cleanse, and revive, my brain each quadruple seven-fold ###Ma###:### and also from damage and bad changes, in Jesus' name...
my neighborhood i consider to be a pocket, a pocket of farm fields, wildlife, and smallish houses. around our pocket, are warehouses, that are slowly seemingly inclosing closer to our pocket. over the Christmas season to now, we were notified of a warehouse planned to be built around (I'm not...
big concert box worker parking lot
construction company
country: united states
farm fields wildlife
long time situation
many many trucks
personal safety children
personal safety concern
small peaceful houses
small peaceful neighborhood
wolves coyotes squirrels
Prayers for mending to my body, so my sports injuries I received don't damage my spine, or its height. May Christ sustain it, so I can sleep painless, inconsequential, and heal without bad changes.