Lord I ask you please please bless my upper eye surgery to be truly awesome amazing results as I deeply desire with absolutely no excess skin above my eyes in corners if my eyes absolutely no no lumps bumps raised bits splits scars at all awesome amazing results that I am overwhelmed with...
awesome amazingresultsawsomeamazingresultsawsome light awesome incredible joy peace
country: unknown
financial income savings
photogenic person
photogenic videos video calls
photographs videos video calls
total unity agreement
upper eye surgery
Very very urgent lord lord your words says ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord bless me please please with brand new under eyes with absolutely no dark circles at all absolutely no hollows at all absolutely no filler at all absolutely no no bulgy buts raised bits swelling...
amazing incredibly beauty glory radiance shigina glory
brand new skin
country: unknown
face neck body
pake skin dry skin dull skin dehydrated skin
single way part
skin anteater
skin treatments
women man person