attractive book

  1. Articles

    Christ Working in Me

    Hebrews 13:10-21 Dear Father, Help me to obey my leaders and submit to them, as those who keep watch for my soul. Fill my mouth and my heart with earnest prayer for all your servants who serve you in your kingdom! Now may you, the great God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord...
  2. Articles

    Altar of Worship

    Hebrews 13:10-21 Dear Father, Thank you for providing an altar of worship for me and all those who have faith in Jesus. Thank you that our Lord Jesus was willing to suffer outside the gate in order to call to himself a people sanctified through his blood. Thank you that I am one of these! Let...
  3. Articles

    No Fear in Christ

    Hebrews 13:6-8 Dear Father, Help me say with confidence: The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? I remember those who led me to Christ by speaking his word to me. Thank you for them. Bless them abundantly. Help me to imitate their faith. And most of all, thank you...
  4. Articles


    Hebrews 13:1-5 Dear Father, hospitable king, Fill me with brotherly love. Make me a generous provider of hospitality to strangers. Let angels find provision under my roof, even when I don't know who they really are. Help me remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and...
  5. Articles

    Light that Burns Away Sin

    Hebrews 12:29 Dear Father, who dwells in indescribable light, Living God, consuming fire, burn the sin from my life. Purify my heart's desire in the smelter of your holiness. I want to do your will, Father, so that whatever I do, in word or deed, it will be done in the name of the Lord Jesus...
  6. Articles

    Light that Exposes Sin

    Hebrews 12:29 Dear Father, who dwells in indescribable light, I want to love the Light. Your verdict is: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. They hate the light because they are afraid they will be exposed. As for me, Lord God...
  7. Articles

    The Birthright

    Hebrews 12:16-17 Dear Father, Keep me from being immoral or irreligious and, like Esau, selling the birthright you have for me. I want to inherit your blessing, even if it comes to me through tears. Hold me close to you. Fill my mind with thoughts of you. Fill my heart with love for you. May...
  8. Articles

    Call for Peace and Holiness

    Hebrews 12:12-15 Dear Father, When my hands droop and my knees are weak, put me in a place where I will get exercise. Open my eyes so that I can find level paths on which to lead the lame so they will not trip and get hurt but will walk and find healing. May I always strive for peace with...
  9. Articles

    Respect for God's Discipline

    Hebrews 12:3-11 Dear Father, Help me to keep my eyes on Jesus. Despite the hostility poured on him by sinners, he obeyed you, even to the point of death. Help me submit to your discipline, for I know that it assures me that I am your legitimate child, not just a slave. Help me to respect your...
  10. Articles

    Acts of Faith

    Hebrews 11:20-12:2 Dear Father, my trustworthy God, Give me faith like Moses, who loved your way more than the treasures of Egypt. Give me faith like the people of the Exodus, who were willing to walk through the sea at your bidding, but keep me from wavering and rebelling as they did. Give...
  11. Articles

    Abraham's Faith

    Hebrews 11:8-19 Holy Father, in whom all faith is safe, I cannot imagine what it would be like to be asked to do what you asked Abraham to do. He was willing to sacrifice the very son you had promised to him, the son through whom you promised to make a great nation. He believed that you could...
  12. Articles

    Giants of Faith

    Hebrews 11:1-7 Dear Father, trustworthy God, You alone are worthy of faith, for you alone have the power to keep promises. Increase my faith, Lord. May I have the full assurance of what I hope for, the firm conviction of the reality of what I do not yet see. Give me faith in your creation and...
  13. Articles

    Confident in Christ

    Hebrews 10:26-39 Holy God, who has promised to return, How foolish I would be to keep on sinning after coming to the knowledge of your truth. Give me the strength to forsake whatever sin I become aware of in my life. I submit myself to your examination and ask to see myself as you see me. In...
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    Focused on Jesus

    Hebrews 3:1-6 Dear Father, Keep my eyes focused on Jesus. Help me carefully consider him. Let me see his faithfulness. Let me see his worthiness to be honored. Let me see him as the apostle and high priest of my confession. Let me see him as the one who has called me to a heavenly calling...
  15. Articles

    Our Great High Priest

    Hebrews 4:14-5:6 Dear Father, Eternal God, Enable us to hold fast to our confession of Jesus as our great High Priest. We adore him, for even though he passed through the heavens to enter your sanctuary, he is able to sympathize with our weaknesses, because in flesh like ours he was tempted...
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