Attn to take on this matter probono. Yahweh He is our witness of our innocence in this urgent matter, just like His Blood on mt ###…The prayers of the Righteous avail much! Praise all mighty God ###
Thanksgiving for prayers answered. I put in a prayer request regarding my AC unit needing attn from the maintenance man. Well both the Landlord and maintenance men came over today. They tore up the ceiling and found the leak. Praise God! It's running smoothly now and they promised to chk on it...
Lord Please have this attn to Help So tired of spinning the wheels here and get No where Please heal and make Your Mighty Miracles Happen Soon and with good Dr. referral letters and this dentist calls back to redo the Crown at No charge Please
Please help to resolve all these issues asap with attn and dental that they accept my insurance by a miracle that you are and work this all out soon and help get good rest as you intervene in all this
Lord please have this legal office call back with good news that this attn will Help w this insurance case Asap and help to rest and this dentist will also help with these crowns issues and get me in sooner
Help this attn to call later Lord when I’m able to take the call and we have success and victory in all this Lord. They gave an appointment window of serveral hours, who can wait that long this is Not right and have so much to do still and Ill and So cold please help to get good sleep early and...
Feeling So Cold and Ill and Help to Rest Better and Find the Rest of this Important docs the Attn. Wants us to Find to Fight our Case and Have Victory PLEASE IJN and With Unfair Mng.s too We Have Your Victory Intervene Lord Fight Your Battles and Bring All Help and in Everything.
Stomach been so upset please heal me Lord and this food doesn’t get me worse running to R rm. out at appt.s Please have these important offices and people helping call me back soon and help to find all necessary Important pprwk to send to Attn and they can Help please Miracles and soon repairs...
Lord please fight Your battles for us with insurance that they turn this all around and compensate us soon to get all these repairs done asap with the attn. bring us Your victory in all this and heal us up completely You Are Praised
God’s Intervention in our lives and perfect will be done as we speak with the attn that will Fight for us to get the Insurance to compensate fully soon Lord bring mighty healing rejuvenation and rest now and eliminate these sagging lines and wrinkles and all pain let justice prevail in our lives.
Please Lord in your mercy help these people to help us. We went through great efforts to get to them but somehow I feel they won’t bless us with the assistance that we seek but instead referred us to their attn and made an appointment for us in a couple weeks. This is just dragging on, please...
So fatigued today please pray God’s will on appt soon lord help in all this and this attn can advise me in this legal issue bring wisdom guidance protection and strength let justice prevail soon
Cancel this unjust debt lord that the insurance and attn.s act on this and cancel this erroneous bill soon and strength justice protection healing peace and coolness
Help to find all that’s missing asap and lord bring justice safety and peace and only bring those in our lives that are of You. Help to sleep well and wake earlier healed focused and energized on what I’m trying to convey to this legal office for this letter and they Lower rent and utilities...
Fight Your battles Lord and please have this Attn call back asap on this urgent matter and clear all this stuff from sinuses and colds my Mighty Miracle working Lord help us now
Lord heal my cramping hand had reinjured it and it turned arthritic and difficult doing these chores now. Please restore and renew us Lord with healing wings bring all the help mightily miracles and favor this week so much to accomplish cancel confusion mistrust and attacks that the attn.s...
Help us Lord to be able to access these attn. s that they are open and be able to speak with us soon. Stop all these demands on vaxes. Protection and Blessings for all these Holidays!
Bring blessings wisdom justice and guidance in all this that they fix the car soon and be safe Lord heal us, help to find attn for justice in this urgent matter. Heal all pain allergies colds asthma bronchitis. Please make it warmer and safe out there. Amen