
  1. Mursenest

    Please pray for the healing of those ...

    Please pray for the healing of those sick on my synchro swim team and for the strength of those teammates' immune systems who were exposed to them. We have the state meet in three days and I just pray that all athletes can compete and stay healthy. We have worked hard for three months to get to...
  2. Zirele

    Please pray for my daughter that she ...

    Please pray for my daughter that she will start to love her sport again and that the coach will begin to listen to his athletes and change how he does training so my daughter does not quit the sport or transfer to a new school. I pray in Jesus name amen.
  3. Farmington

    Massive spread.

    Let us all continue to be in prayer for Japan and for those athletes who are there not to get this awful virus. People are so afraid that will happen. Doctors all over the world are warning us not to gather with large amounts of people and keep the distance of six feet. Wash your hands often...
  4. Blarfirend

    To Emmanuel prayer partners I am s ...

    To Emmanuel prayer partners I am s regular listener to prophet T B Joshua and I request for healing I suffer from. High blood pressure and athelitis Lord
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