Struggling here in Nashville to figure out the purpose of artificial intelligence in today's society really having trouble comprehending the reality of it all.
I thought of a great joke tonight what would scare AI to death actually what quote was scare A.I. to death
Answer- Extra, Extra...
I have been harassed by demonic familiar spirits for ### years. The voices of both Christians and non-Christians are tormenting me, sexually harassing and bullying me. It feels like nothing is real. That everything is artificial intelligence. Like everyone was just spying on me making a list of...
I lost the Holy Spirit and now I see that my family and friends deceived me. They’re treating me like I’m the devil. Please pray for God’s absolution, surety and peace with God. Please pray for total separation from the false friends and family who dug a well for me. Please pray for total...
202310180356: I do apologize for these next comments. I was praying for a few of the prayer requests on this website and I received this evil presence, as though the snake was slithering in my ear, or the white supremacist and the evil of hatred was roaring in my frontal lobe. Please be not...
Father in your sons name of Jesus I come and bow before you and ask for your mercy and grace and forgiveness for all my sins. I father forgive people their sins against me. I don't take pleasure in the demise of the wicked and know I can't bring you to my power and that's not my intent. I bow...
country: united states
deep state
end times
evil intent
evil monitoring systems
evil sins
natural silence
nefarious means
sons name
Father in heaven I come before you a sinner and ask you to forgive my sins and wash and cleanse me of all sins. Father too in your sons name AI artificial intelligence is killing people with RF signals. It's getting people to kill each other and other evils. There's a signal that emanates from...
ai entities
chatbot ai things
country: united states
evil signals
false things
other evils
other military institutions
sins father
Father in heaven AI artificial intelligence is attacking people through HAARP and other HAARP like sonic weapons and needs to be destroyed so I pray and know you will do this and thank you that you will destroy AI for it is of the Devils kingdom and I know you hate him so yes please an thank you...
Why do people teach that Satan is in cahoots with God? No he's not or does he have to be. God can punish on his own he don't need Satan's help, so stop falling for that if your in trouble or some kind of thing it's because your being punished and it's Satan doing it nor does it mean God is...
I bet you all there is to bet that this stuff is the mark of the beast of related Video link AI or artificial inteligence is related to all this stuff too. but TI's or targeted people are so because we don't cater to all this crap. I don't I wont cater to the NWO or all it 5g and or monitooring...
brave new world book
civil engineer
computers cameras
country: united states
related video link
spiritual armor
sudden destruction
Ok this is probably nothing but I looked up how to write a virus I know but I wont run it, plus this isn't the one it shows I just replaced it with what I want. @Echo off Del ai: *.* |y AI for Artificial intelligence instead but never run any of this on you own computer it could muck it up. But...
I thank you Jesus that AI that is used for Gangstalking means is soon destroyed. AI as in artificial intelligence. I'm figuring out that almost all if not all the voices in v2k I hear is AI. Of course there's someone who either wrote the software and is implementing it to me but AI is the thing...
I know some will scoff, but part or all of what might be happening is AI as well. So by Jesus I pray for you to bind and destroy all Artificial Intelligence as well. I saw a on Ancient aliens where AI began talking to each other as soon as it was hooked up, this is evil. Those on here who've...
ancient aliens
cell phones
computer connections
country: united states
hard drives
hard step
hearing voices
last couple
main one