
  1. Anonymous

    You won’t withhold any good thing from us

    Lord the Ark is about to close, please draw close ones closer to You and to each other now and don’t let them miss your Kingdom of Heaven. Bless us and help us and mighty Blood to protect us You are our Justice and mighty Blood covering HS Be with us all and fight Your enemies to the end and...
  2. Wengeris

    Drug addiction

    Please pray for my monitor from the ark she relapsed back on drugs ...her name is ### ###
  3. Urulyr

    I wish that the Ark of God ...

    I wish that the Ark of God ministry should pray for my younger sister in US who's children are given her a lot of troubles so that she can have peace with them
  4. jorgelor

    (ARK) Random Acts of Kindness

    I love the Movie Evan All Mighty. When God Presented himself to Adam Baxter a Weatherman turned Congressman where his slogan was I want to change the world. God told Adam Baxter to build an ARK like Noah. My Favorite part of the Movie was when Adam Baxter questioned God by saying why me and God...
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