Prayers for my youngest daughter in ###. She's going to be traveling back home to ### by car before Friday. I don't know an exact time. Safety for her and her car on the road 8 hours. Prayers for my ex husband. He's in an abusive marriage that is having an effect on his parents, me, his...
My daughter and I went through a terrible betrayal moving here to ###. I put my trust in the wrong person. This person tried to scam us and I got out as soon as I realized something was wrong. It caused a lot of anguish for my daughter and I. Please pray for us to heal over this horrible...
Please pray for our electric to be turned back on. It's been over 2hrs now it's been off in our mobile home community; they are working on it. Don't know if I can stand it much longer, no where to go, no money, food wasting in refrigerator, in ### it's over 100 degrees outside. Please pray they...
Please pray that my house will sell soon with a high bid. We want to move to Arizona and I have to sell my house first. Pray that everything will go smoothly so we can pack up and leave. Keep us safe on the way there. Dear lord surround us with your angels, protect us and help us prosper. Amen
Please pray that my house will sell soon. We want to move to Arizona and I have to sell my house first. Pray that everything will go smoothly ro pack up and leave and on the drive there we will keep safe. Dear lord surround us with your angels and help us prosper. Amen
Please pray that my house will sell soon. We want to move to Arizona and I have to sell my house first. Pray that everything will go smoothly ro pack up and leave and on the drive there we will keep safe. Dear lord surround us with your angels and help us prosper. Amen
Prayer Warriors! Please pray for Jamie Blair in Arizona. She is lost and finding comfort in promiscuity and adultery. Ask that she see her purpose as a woman of God, Wife, Mother, and Grandmother. Please pray for healing in all relationships her efforts have touched.
Please pray that my house will sell soon to the highest bidder. We want to move to Arizona and I have to see my house first. Pray that everything will go smoothly ro pack up and leave and on the drive there we will keep safe. Dear lord surround us with your angels and help us prosper. Amen
Please pray for my daughter and I to get my house organized to sell soon, and that there will be no obstacles to get in our way. Pray for a safe drive to Arizona after I sell the house. Pray for my daughters health as she has been sick lately. Pray that I find a home for our stray cats outside...
I would like you to pray for a homeless man named Martin. He is currently living on the streets of Arizona and he is struggling with a bad drug addiction. He also has other health issues that have caused him to be in a wheelchair. I can see he wants to live but he doesn't have the strength and...
Jesus please don't let another election be stolen by the Democrats. I can't take it again. Please let the problens in Michigan and Arizona be cleared up and voting be honest and fair. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Prayer requests for the Secretary of State for the state of Arizona. Honorable Mr. Bowers and all of the remaining Secretaries of States, who stood firm against the Trump Terrorist Sleeper Cell and their Sabotage.
please prey that God will show my wife and I where to move.We desperately want to get back near to our children and grandchildren in So. Cal or Arizona...we'll be 700miles closer to each other....Please Lord show us what you have for us...thank you for your prayers Ed & Jacky...stuck in Redding
Prayer requests for Hon. Ms. Kaylie and her family in Arizona. May the Almighty Creator bless them with good measure and running over. May the Almighty Creator, bless you all for your prayers of agreement.