Dear Holy Abba Father Lord God Jesus, in holy name & holy blood of holy Lord God Jesus, we deeply appreciate , bless love & thank You for all things done on aldean's behalf. Allow your holy anointed holy divine favor upon aldean, during this whole 2020 year, in all areas of his life, to be a...
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Dear Holy Abba Father Lord God Jesus, in the holy name and holy blood of holy Lord God Jesus, have Your Holy Will, Way & Authority in all areas of Aldean's life, we ask of your Holy Divine in all areas of aldean's life, to do all things, to receive full positive success, to bring forth & receive...
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country: united states
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Dear Holy Abba Father Lord God Jesus, in the Holy Name & Blood of Holy Lord God Jesus, allow your holy divine favors & holy blessings be upon aldean, in all areas of aldean's life; to supply all of aldean's needs in all areas, to never be without, nor be lacking in anything thereof, for the Lord...
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country: united states
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