Two more states in India have recently introduced anti-conversion laws - bringing the total to 11 states. Though these laws purport to prevent forced conversions, they are often abused to falsely target or harass Christians. Pray that the laws will be repealed, or that a deterrent will be put in...
Persecution is escalating in states with anti-conversion laws. Believers are being falsely accused of forced conversions, churches vandalised and closed, and pastors threatened and beaten. Ask the Lord to soften the hearts of influential local figures so that Christians are more widely accepted...
brother henry
conversions churches
country: united kingdom
influential local figures
ireland diary
ministry work
open doors
refugee status
Some Indian states have anti-conversion laws, designed to prevent involuntary religious conversions. However, in practice, these vaguely worded laws are frequently used to harass Christians taking part in normal activities that are part of their faith, like holding a prayer meeting or attending...
church service
country: united kingdom
false accusations
indian states
involuntary religious conversions
ireland diary
normal activities
Hindu extremists believe that all Indians should be Hindus, and that the country should be rid of Christianity and Islam. They use extensive violence to achieve this goal, particularly targeting Christians from a Hindu background. Christians are accused of following a "foreign faith" and blamed...
bad luck
country: united kingdom
extensive violence
hindu background
hindu extremists
open doors partners
other christians christians
other verses
usa text alert