It is by the Grace of GOD that I am still here today. Most days I feel like I have no place on this earth. Every day I feel like I can't escape this darkness that surrounds me. GOD, it's your Grace, not my choice.... 💔
Every Demonic spirit that causes my husband to work like a donkey yet eats like an ant, always borrowing and in debt. EL -ROI arise in your power and in your mighty and curse them. Let them be destroyed in Jesus mighty name. Amen
Lord stop ant and her evil against me , that her realize their is a God , May her sister and mom stop there gossiping against me . Jesus I have always given in to them , I am tired now . Jesus help me .
Jesus help Ant with work , let her love me again , please keep her from doing bad things against me , I love her and just want to have a peaceful marriage again , I forgive her .
Jesus please deal with my enemies and deal with Ant . I beg you lord to stop her abuse towards me . She is evil , very evil . Says there is no God and laughs .
Prayers for ant , May she love me again , May she not talk bad about me anymore , please lord give my marriage a miracle, restore all things , restore our health. In your great name I pray .
Ant stop all the evil against me , please see the love that I have for you , lord pls break all curses against her mind and body , May Jesus take over her life , no more vanity , no more anger , just love .
Ant please stop the evil you do against me , you have left the church because you want to do evil , so you deny that there is a God , I can’t believe this , the people you now hang around have Poisoned your mind. Lord help her .
God pls help my family , please stop Ant from having all the power in relationship , Jesus pls give me some sign , I know I have sinned and I ask for your forgiveness.
Lord please bring justice for me against g , a, a, ant and all who hate and torture me verbally . I have tried to pray for them , but they just keep doing evil . Pls stop them . Lord show me through ant u are listening . Please help me .
Lord pls help TB soul be in heaven , bless are health pls help work be ok with Rhon , Scott , al , May things get better n easier . Lord help with ant and s o May it get easier . Thank you Jesus .
Jesus help Ant and the kids , pls let her be happy and stay with the family . Let her be healthy and sane . May she want to include me in her life again . Forgive my sins and I know lord you will help us l
pleas epray so we are rid fo alle vil. pelas epray the Lord dleiver sus form ant and insect infestation and heals all my fmaily memebrs gives His salvationa dn healign and protects us form all evil. pelas eLor dprotec tus form accidents. dleive rus form alle vil. pelas ehav emercy,. Lord pelase...
please pray for my fmaiyl goignt hrough tremendous challanges. my grandmother ill need healign form dementia. their is mice and ant and fly infestation . Pleas epray our hoem is delivere dof these spests for good Lor dhav emercy. Please Lord Jeus Christ make the mice go awa and all the...
Heavenly father there's this girl That is bothering my marriage n wife , pls keep her away from us . . Pls help Ant forget about her . And not remember her anymore. Pls save her heal her and bless her and give her joy. Pls destroy and break all curses and all soul ties in my life and my wife’s...