Ca exams are not postponed due to elections and icai is very stubborn on not to postpone the exams. So we have filed PIL in court and the case is coming to hearing today around 11:30 am. I request you to pray that our side lawyer should have the knowledge and points to counter to postpone the...
country: india
j k bihar
many students
positive judgment
priority basis
proper exam centers
same understanding
side lawyer
supreme court judge
This is unice santha kumari from india Andhra Pradesh.Please pray fory uterus having multiple fibroids , in kidney simple renal cyst and gall bladder problem.Suffering multiple issues in health. Please pray for my job it is in the court judgement not yet given and next year I will get retirement...
Praise the lord Brother/ sister,
I k Vijaya Ratnam trying for MLA ticket from Andhra Pradesh, for 2024 Election Pls pray for us 🙏🙏🙏
Thanking you
K Vijaya Ratnam
Hi ! how r u doing ? I’m doing Good with blessings of jesus God and My parents ( Jayaraju & Sulochana )
Im Sandeep form ANDHR PRADESH.
i would request You DGS. Paul Dinakaran Uncle let you pray for my Parents Health and prosperity. Let you ask the lord Jesus to provide them with Good health and...
july 22 nd is a fasting prayer about youth ...I'm jasmin from andhra pradesh...please pray for me. now I'm studying intermediate...I'm fear of subject maths ...
my health..I want to grow which God's situation is financial problem...I don't know what god plan about me ...please pray...
Dear father Joseph and team, I'm sister Theresa from Andhra pradesh. Today I got a painful message from my home. That's my sister's grand son got current shock,from Ernakulam. He's only 20 years old.He and his friends climbed on goods train .He did not noticed the current wire.Because of the...
Please pray for good health to My daughter, SHARLY as she is getting severe Breast pain. Thank you Dr. P. Ramesh Chirala Prakasam District Andhra Pradesh -523157
my daughter swarnarekha India from andhrapradesh she is pregnancy 8 months she is suffering from simple cell anemia and jaundice she is under medical treatment .So please pray for her quick healing
my daughter swarnarekha limma from Andhra Pradesh she is pregnancy now and we admitted her in hospital she suffering from sickling blood hb 7 point doctor advised it is critical case so please pray for her for quick rlief
I run school for the poor and orphan children in sheds. Due to floods our rooms damaged. We are in need of support to build the school which is spreading the Gospel through school among Hindus and Muslims . This is the only Christian faith based school serving the poor families and children. No...
Dear brother,please pray for me regarding my job,I completed my master's in Public Health and in desperate need of job ..please pray for my interview result ,I attended interview on 18th Aug for UNICEF project in Andhra pradesh,I prepared a lot for the interview but was unable to give the...
Praise the lord name is srinivas I'm from kovvur town at andhrapradesh, pls sir pray for my father for his gastic problem since last last heavy pain,. Recently his recovery by covid -19, but he is not feeling well about gastic please pray for this sickness sir My father name : T.Rambabu...
Praise the lord sir, I am usha prabhakr from Andhra Pradesh West Godavari district, penumantra mandal, Mamuduru village. I have 3 daughters. 2 daughters married with God grace. One daughter waiting for marriage. Please pray for my unmarried daughter. I beloved in my Jesus when u r will pray for...
2 daughters
3 daughters
country: india
one daughter
unmarried daughter
west godavari district penumantra mandal mamuduru village
Dear god jesus please help me.
Praise the Lord
I am udaykirankumar from andhrapradesh .
Please prayer for me, in my family members are Christens but they did not go church. In past time we are pray to Hindus , I know that is opposite to bibile words and Jesus. That's our mistake. We...
bellampalli calvary ministry church
bible words
country: india
foolishness words
healing video
one chance
past time
risk conditions
uday kiran kumar