amen xox

  1. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    I Need Very Serious Prayer Right Now Please For Help & Healing & Godly ### Friends To Be Brought Into My Life For Companionship & Friendship Jesus

    Dear Father-God In Heaven please heal me & help me & also bring some kind-hearted & caring compassionate local friends into my life in Jesus's Name i pray for these 3 things with all of my heart Amen and Amen xox (Note: The text provided does not contain any sensitive information that...
  2. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please I Need Serious Prayer Please For Unspoken Prayer Requests That Are So Very Serious In My Life thank-you for praying for me for help from God!

    Please can you pray for my unspoken very serious prayer requests everyone Thank-you soo much everyone Dear Abba Father Daddy God In Jesus's Name Please Help Me As You Know What I Am Facing Help me please in Your Son Jesus's Name thank-you God I NEED MIRACLES AND ONLY YOU BLESSED...
  3. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please i need prayer everyone (thank-you soo much)

    I desperately need miraculous healing & provision & protection in every single area of my life Abba-Daddy-God In Jesus's Name Please Help Me Thank-you God & i trust You no matter what the circumstances look like Amen xox
  4. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Serious prayer needed for doctor's appt & a blood test tomorrow May everything work out well & may i be in perfect health Father In Jesus's Name Amen

    My anxiety levels are thru the roof about soo many many things especially about my doctor's appt and my blood test too... May my doctor visit go very well & let there be nothing wrong with me too... Please pray that i can calm down & de-stress as i am totally on edge this evening thank-you for...
  5. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please i need prayer about my doctor's appt & a blood test tomorrow May everything go well & there be nothing wrong with me thank-you for praying amen

    My anxiety levels are thru the roof about soo many many things & especially help me not to be afraid of my doctor's appt & blood test either please God...i am soo tired of all of this intense anxiety over this doctor visit... Please pray that i can calm down & de-stress as i am totally on edge...
  6. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Several Serious Un-Spoken Prayer Requests Dear Father In Jesus's Name Hear Them All & Answer Most Miraculously For Your Glory Honor & Praise Amen xox

    Thank-you for lifting all of these up in prayer to Our Heavenly Father In Jesus's Name on my behalf this evening. ( He knows them all and i have Faith He Will Answer & Provide very very soon too ! ) Thank-you again to everyone here...And May God Bless All Of You For Caring Amen xox
  7. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Please Pray For Me Today i have much to do & i need to accomplish it all before the day is done Father In Jesus's Name Plz Give Me Strength & Energy !

    I was able to finish an application & put all my documents together for a possible future landlord named Howard i have to Fax everything to him this afternoon i ask only this That everything is faxed correctly That Howard receives all of my information & that The Lord's Perfect Will then...
  8. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Headache Plz Pray & i need new hope for miracles in my life please God do not let me face life soo all alone anymore it's slowly killing me day by day

    i am not feeling well this evening at all my head hurts soo much... and i need much new hope once again for very long delayed miracles in my life i especially ask for a Godly Companion to be brought into my life for i am soo all alone & it is destroying me inside... thank-you dear friends here...
  9. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Housing Miracle Apt...

    I will be trying one more time to contact a local real estate broker named Marlene regarding a private two family house rental opportunity here where i now live... May i get thru to her & receive an answer either way whether it has been already rented or not and if i still have a chance to view...
  10. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Confirmation Needed Today & A Housing Miracle Needed i know You care God please come thru for me in Jesus's Name before it is too late thank-you God.

    Today i am trying one last time to contact Pastor Raul & Howard about either/or promised apartment here locally for rent I need a definite confirmation from them If neither one contacts me i am going to just keep searching as i have been locally PLEASE KEEP PRAYING FOR A HOUSING MIRACLE FOR...
  11. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Doctor Visit Today may i be given favor & kindness & blessings & compassion from my doctor this afternoon Father in Jesus's NamePROTECT ME HOLY SPIRIT

    i continue to ask for a sweet & compassionate visit for today's doctor visit with-in the next 1 & 1/2 hours here locally i feel soo very tired & i am asking for God's Favor & Blessings on my life thru this latest doctor appointment this afternoon for myself Father please give me strength &...
  12. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Evening Prayer may tonight be like A Beautiful Lullabye is being sung to me by the Angel's & may i rest unafraid of the future trusting in God's Care.

    May i be able to sleep with no bad dreams or nightmares please and have much calmness and such peaceful contentment in the arms of My Daddy-Father-Abba-God knowing You are watching over me Dear Lord Jesus shelter me in green pastures as my Good Shepherd and may still waters bring me stability...
  13. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Apt For Rent ( is this my housing miracle at last ? )

    I am supposed to see an apt. for rent some time this early afternoon with Pastor Raul who is the superintendent of the building and will be showing it to me himself FATHER IN JESUS'S NAME MAY ONLY YOUR PERFECT WILL BE DONE YOU WOULD KNOW BEST OF ALL AMEN...XOX...
  14. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Evening Prayer Needed for sweet & peaceful sleep & no nightmare's tonight to torment me Daddy-God May Your Son & Holy Spirit Lullabye me Spiritually.

    Last night i had 4 to 5 consecutive nightmares i woke up after each one very upset It was soo disturbing to me For This evening i ask for prayer for No Bad Dreams In Jesus's Name i claim the promise of Sweet Sleep in Proverbs 3 over myself & I Plead The Blood Of Jesus to cover me & from...
  15. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Need Prayer to keep going forward in all Faith today & accomplish much

    Dear Daddy-God in Jesus's Name please keep me strong & healthy & happy i need to be focused & able to concentrate to do all that i must do today with All Success Help me to never give in to fear or anxiety but stay calm in all Faith that Miracles are on the way knowing You are working behind the...
  16. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Easter Miracle Needed...thank-you soo much to everyone who prays for me...

    May the same resurrection power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead... Be present this next 3 days and bring A Miracle for me in very specific area's of my whole life for which i pray in faith... #1)...A Safe Place To Call Home Sweet Home that is stable and secure at last #2)...A Godly...
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