almighty jehovah

  1. Prosper3


    I want almighty Jehovah God to uplift me and bless my hustle this season
  2. Jonathan_M

    Please pray for me, i am living ...

    Please pray for me, i am living with a demon that has spawned from the disease vitilgo, it has been around for 70 odd years and is extremely resourceful and manipulative. I pray for someone to pray for me that the Lord Jesus give me strength through it's time and Almighty God Jehovah watch over...
  3. Godstime Fredrick

    I pray for divine breakthrough and mercy ...

    I pray for divine breakthrough and mercy of God Almighty over my traveling from Lagos Nigeria to Dubai and all evils plans shall not prevail over me. I shall see favor of God from human being and from angel, come 18th July all glory should go back to almighty Jehovah.
  4. Hokulea

    Please pray that I can get the ...

    Please pray that I can get the wisdom I need in life. Pray that my relationship with god almighty Jehovah and Jesus Christ be stronger than ever. Pray that I can get the christian friends and pray that one day I can find a truly christian man that is loyal and will want to serve you together...
  5. Chariteomai

    Praise the lord , my father Biraj ...

    Praise the lord , my father Biraj Kumar Chisim had a extreme seizure since morning today and he is under Medical intensive care unit , chances are, his condition may deteriorate by the passage of days approaching to brain haemorrhage... I put forth my request that my father be pardoned by...
  6. Minnie Vagi

    Please pray for me, I have a ...

    Please pray for me, I have a lot of outstanding debts that I need to offset. I don't have the funds to do so. I am trusting God almighty, Jehovah Jireh to provide me with financial blessings to offset my debts. Amen
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