Heal these allergy attacks coughing sneezing and stomach bloat issues and rebuke the enemy that's on attack always around your Holidays Lord. Please stop this now by Your Mighty fighting blood covering and itching bites scratches and bleeding bumps and lumps this must stop now and keep me us and...
Allergy attacks couldn’t breathe after cleaning out doors please lord heal me and give me strength and good dental work tomorrow lead and guide the dentist hands IJN Have mercy and cure me completely in covered healing Blood Yahshua and help all those people stuck in bad weather all over the...
Got allergy Attacks when out doors with this heat Lord Defeat and very itchy skin all over and Your enemies Lord are trying to come against us Now, praying for this Very lost soul, God’s mighty convicting Blood on him bring all this to Light don’t let him eat sleep or rest to he totally gets...
Restore and Heal us Lord it’s time for a blessed life for us, rebuke the enemy trying to block the best You have for us the Blood of Yashua is over us and those close. Help us in all our endeavors, bless them my Lord and in to the Faith and bring her the Godly mate You have for her asap her time...