algerian brothers

  1. Taeweth

    PLEASE PRAY Heavenly Father, strengthen our Algerian ...

    PLEASE PRAY Heavenly Father, strengthen our Algerian brothers and sisters in the face of opposition. Help them to persevere and hold onto You, and may their words and witness lead others to You. Heal all those who carry wounds from persecution, and provide for all those who have suffered loss...
  2. Taeweth

    Heavenly Father, strengthen our Algerian brothers and ...

    Heavenly Father, strengthen our Algerian brothers and sisters in the face of opposition. Help them to persevere and hold onto You, and may their words and witness lead others to You. Heal all those who carry wounds from persecution, and provide for all those who have suffered loss. Soften the...
  3. Wylandadh

    persecuted Christians - Algeria continues campaign against churches

    We take for granted the freedom to attend worship at the church of our choice. But that option is not available in many countries where persecution is active. Algerian authorities forcibly shut down 3 churches in the area around the city of Oran on July 7, bringing the total number of closed...
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