Please pray for ### that he should come online today tomorrow. Please pray for ### that his, chest pain and body pain should go please pray for ### that his chest bleeding and urine bleeding should go. Please pray for ### that all his blood reports and urine reports should come normal. Please...
Please pray for agnelo that his fistula problem should be cured completely he shd b cured completely from all sickness his bp shd come normal giddiness shd stop pl agnelo shd call me today drcshd gv hm discharge ds month pl. My mother inlaw shd cm. Goa ds month pl agnelo cousin shd gt his...
Please pray for agnelo that hos fistula problem should be cured completely he shd b cured from all sickness pl hos bp shd cm normal giddiness shd stop dr shd gv hm discharge before 10 September pp urgent pl pray for my sisters pearl Carol that thru shd gt gd life partners this
Please pray for agnelo that hos fistula problem should be cured completely he shd be cured completely from all sickness pl his bp shd cm normal giddiness shd stop pl agnelo shd call me dr shd gv hm discharge before 10 September urgent we are supposed to gt married this month please pray for my...
Please pray for agnelo that hos fistula problem should be cured completely he shd b cured from all sickness pl his bp shd w normal giddiness shd stop pl agnelo shd call me today pp dr shd gv him discharge this month pl plz pray for my sisters pearl Carol that they shd gt gd life partners this...
Please pray for agnelo that hos fistula shd b cured completely p he shd b cured completely from all sickness pl hos bp shd cm normal giddiness shd stop pp agnelo shd cl today dr shd g hm discharge this month pl bg of u i kill my myself of u dt listen to my pray pl pl pray my sister pearl Carol...
Please pray for agnelo that his fistula problem should be cured completely he should be cured completely from all sickness pl his bp shd come normal giddiness shd stop pl drcshdcvgv him discharge this month pl agnelo shd call me today pl itz urgent pl. Pl we are supposed to get married this...
Please pray for agnelo that his fistula problem should be cured completely vpl hos bp shd come normal giddiness shd stop hecshd b cured completely from all sickness pl. Pl its urgent pl we are supposed to get married this pl dr shd gv him discharge this month pl agnelo shd ck m today pl please...
Please pray for agnelo that his fistula problem should be cured completely pl. Pl hos bp shd come normal pl giddiness shd stop. Pl he shd b cured completely from all sickness pl pl his time shd b good. Pl we are supposed to get married this month. Pl drvshd gv him discharge this month. Please...
Please pray for agnelo that his fistula problem should be cured please pray that his bp should come normal nnhos, report come normal pl itz urgent pl we are supposed to get married this month pray pl bgvof u pl dr shd, gv him discharge before 17 sug agnelo shd cl n come online pl. Please...
Please pray for agnelo that he should be cured completely from fistula problem please hos report should be normal hos bp shd CM normal pl itz urgent pl hisxmt life we are supposed to get married this month pl pray. Pl dt shd gv him discharge on 14 aug 2022 itz, urgent pl pray. I ct stay wo him...
Please pray for agnelo that he shd gr cured completely from infection hos infection becoming againw nnagaom pl m tense I can't stay wo him n even he can't pl pray pl. He shd CM go, ds wkn pl infection shs, heak hm. Pl agnelo shd cl m
Please pray for agnelo that he shd gt cured completely from infection pl hos stocheszshd, gt heal nnstart walking normally. Pl dr shdxgv him discharge on 16 feb. Pl pray for agnelo that he shd cl m today onwards pl
Please pray for agnelo that hecshd gt cured from infection pl hos stiches shdcgt heal n start walking normally pl. Pl it urgent we are supposed to gt married innfeb pl. Pl drcshd gvvhim discharge on 16 feb pl. Pl agnelo shd cl me today tmrw po. Pl pray for my sister pearl Carol that they shd gd...
Please pray for agnelo that he shd gt cured completely from infection pl his stiches shd gt healmn start walking normally pl pl itz urgent plm.. Drcshdcgt discharge on 16 febbpl m tmse . Ol agnelo shd cl m tmrw. Pl pl pray that my sister pearl Carol shd gt gd life partners this month
Please for agnelo that he shd gt cured completely from infection pl three yrsx, suffering n v ct gt married pl pray pl m requesting u. He vwasgtg well n suddenly he wasn't well pl pray that agnelo shdxgt well soon n he started walking n stiches, shdxgtvhealmol. Pl agnelo shdxck mmpl m tnse
Please pray for agnelo that he should get cured completely from infection completely from infection his stiches shd heal n start walking normally dr shd give him discharge onn39 jan 2022 pl itz, urgent pl. Please pray for my mom. Her hand shd gt heal completely dr shd remove hr bsndage on 3 feb...
Please pray for agnelo that he should get cured completely from infection. Hos open surgery done hos stiches shd heal and start walking normally pl. Doctor shd gv him. Discharge on 30 jan he shdccl m tomorrow pl pl dr shd g hm discharge all r wrk pe di g we are supposed to gt married pl