acid reflux gastritis

  1. natasha2

    Easy breathing...transparency no manipulation

    1) i have issues with bloating and breathing. Maybe something with acid reflux/gastrits and anxiety. Unresolved issues/problems that I dont have controll ove. 2) please pray that my old patenta will be transparent about what they gave to my brother comcerning inheritence and money. She acts...
  2. natasha2

    To excessive period, diarrhea, acid reflux, dental flesh

    Very excessive period. Two periods in the row. (Normal healthy regular harmonious menstr cycle and period). Hormons and everything arpund it ok. My whole body healthy perfect and harmonious. Sweating. Diarrhea. Diggestive issues. Sometimes nausea, acid reflux (gastritis). I must go to work in 3...
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