I’m so grateful to God for my baby and my husband.. I’m thankful that I have reached my ### trimester. God has me through everything and has blessed me with my baby and my husband. I’m blessed to have a loving and caring husband who has been my biggest support. I’m grateful for the love and...
Praise God, am Rosemary Adhiambo I pray for safe journey as I travel on 7th Feb to Miami for cruise ship job, I pray for my children and husband stars to be restored Pray that my son Marshauls will be able to join KDF forces this year Amen 🙏🙏
Iam Abhijeet chand doing my BBA i have my exam starting from 7th Feb 2022 basic of management, principles of management, business economics, English, hindi,environmental science (evs) please pray for me amen
Hi team,
I am Johnson kalita going to start a new life ( getting married ) with Jayashree Deoraja on 7th feb 2021, I would like to request you all to please pray for us . thank you .