7 20 am

  1. natasha2

    No lateness, super efficiency, protection, golden year

    My train to be on time and even before set time in my place of work. Me - exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room. No principle to watch over us, no evil energies. Today and this whole year to be super extra mega efficient and productive at my work (highschool teacher) and in my home obligations...
  2. natasha2

    URGENT No lateness of the train

    No lateness of the train!!! Me on time for work. Exactly at 7.20 am in a teacher's room. No principle to watch over us or spread evil energies. To resolve the issue of internet on my cell phone. I don't have it in the moment
  3. natasha2

    No.lateness of the train NOW, no noise or smoke cigarettes

    No lateness of the train. Me on time for work. Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room. No principle and her evil energies to control us in Jesus name. Control worker in the train - favor - i forgot to bie a monthly ticket. No getting money penalty or be forced to buy one way ticket No noise in...
  4. natasha2

    URGENT No.lateness of the train, success teacher

    Please no lateness of the train. Me on time for work. Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room. No.principle to watch over us/control us and her pretentious evil energies. Today success and victory at work as a teacher. And till the end of this year. November/decembre. Blessed everything that i...
  5. natasha2

    URGENT No lateness of the train, me on time for work, health, inspiration...

    No.lateness of the train Me on time for work Exactly at 7.20 am in a teachers room. No.principle to watch over us, control us, spreading negative energy. No diggestive issues. Normal stomach acid No diarrhea No problems with pupils Me joyful victorious successful whatever i put my mind or hand...
  6. natasha2

    No noise or smoke of cigarettes in the train

    No lateness of the train. Me on time for work exactly at 7.20 am to be in a teacher's room. Not a minute later. According to the clock in a teacher's room! No noise in the train. No shouting. No loud laughing. No cursing No babbling No sounds of cellphones. No rebellious shouting arrogant...
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