I already took my exam. Please pray for me that I pass, since I know I have made some mistakes and there is a 50-50 chance that I pass, therefore I need you to pray for me because I am in need. This exam will determine my career and if I don't pass I will be devastated! Please pray for me as...
Please pray for me to pass this exam for my German language Telc. C1 Hochschule! I know I did some mistakes so it's a 50-50 chance. But if I don't pass this test I will not be able to study and go to my boyfriend who already is studying there and my career will not happen and I will really be...
Please pray for ###. He was in a motorcycle accident yesterday, and had surgery. He has internal bleeding the drs do not know where it is coming from. They said he has a 50/50 chance of surviving.
My mom suffer a brain stroke. Her blood has been contaminated. She now is intubated. With a 50/50 chance. My heart is broken She is one of the strongest woman I've ever know. I have hope that she will get up from this one just like she has so many times. I love you Mami. You though me the power...
My friend was admitted to the hospital Saturday with respiratory problems her lungs aren't working like they should and is hard on her heart. They told us today is a 50/50 chance she pulls through this and if she does she may have to go to assisted living. She has a 16 a year old daughter who...
Please pray for my pregnancy. Today we went for an initial scan and the doctor said that the embryo is not yet formed. There is a 50/50 chance for the pregnancy to be successful. We as a family have been praying for this for a long time now . Please pray that everything goes well and the...
Please pray for my dog Sammy who is currently in liver failure. They are giving him a 50/50 chance of living. I’m praying that he will pull through with a great quality of life and asking you to do the same. Thank you
Recently my father, John was diagnosed with a non-curable. fatal degenerative disease called Huntington’s Disease, known as “The Devil’s Disease.” Will you pray that his symptoms do not manifest, that he does not suffer and lives a long happy life. Now I will have to receive a test for...
country: united states
devil s disease
father john
huntington s
long happy life
non curable fatal degenerative disease
Please pray for my nephew Aries who is undergoing operation. According to the surgeon he has 50-50 chance to survive. Please please pray for him. In Jesus name. Amen
need urgent prayer for a miracle. My niece Felicia is in ICU now from failing heart. Doctor said she has 50/50 chance. Please prayer for her total miracle healing to pull through.