3 30am

  1. Reborn12345


    Have to do morning training and evening training. Lifting weights in the morning and fitness training with flexibility have to be up between 3am to 3:30am for training, please am asking in Jesus name.
  2. Wylandadh

    quitting smoking

    Please keep me in prayer today. I woke up at 3.30am last night and watched a couple of YouTube Christian videos and felt guided to throw my tobacco away. Now Im half regretting it, scared and don't think I am strong enough to cope, I cannot explain the bad spiritual warfare that comes everytime...
  3. Erield

    Good evening family I want to thank ...

    Good evening family I want to thank God and morning I posted a prayer request at 3:30am about my daughter who was on ICU ward since the 24th of november due to difficulties in breathing ...at 9am when I went to check her for my normal routine visits the nurses told me that they are moving her...
  4. Erield

    Good evening family I want to thank ...

    Good evening family I want to thank God and you emmanuel family for your prayers this morning I posted a prayer request at 3:30am about my daughter who was on ICU ward since the 24th of november due to difficulties in breathing ...at 9am when I went to check her for my normal routine visits the...
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