Make I commit this date into your hands you knw where the bride that are supposed to have this dates are pls abba connect me to them 2/11/24 9/11/24 16/11/24 23/11/24 30/11/24 7/12/24 14/12/24 25/12/24 26/12/25 27/12/24 28/12/24 29/12/24 30/12/24 31/12/24 1/1/25 2/1/25 3/1/25 4/1/25 5/1/25...
I have Been married to a selfish man for 25 years. I look at him and they way he treats me everyday and wonder why I stayed with him all this time. I have two daughters with him. They are grown now and too busy with their lives to even noticed how frustrated and saddened I’m. Do they even know...
Please pray for me I was bitten badly my by the 25/12/2020 and 26/12/2020 my dad passed away 29 I went home I came bk and case I opened is on 02/02/21 I'm going to face him in court wen ever I pass him through corridors my heart bits faster I don't sleep unfPlease pray for me I was bitten badly...
Lord still asking for ur help with my son job search. I really hurt me to see him so broken about this. He will be 25 pretty son and truly want to be working. I ask all on here to pray with me, for him.