2 important things

  1. Steven Bobb

    A 3 way hardship

    I have 3 categories working against me that I need straightened out.One,money.I have some, for "normal size" expense.But at times something comes up that either, zI can't do, or that if I do, I have to juggle between 2 important things to afford it.Second. time.You can't do anything with time.I...
  2. Steven Bobb

    I have 2 important things I need ...

    I have 2 important things I need to deal with by tommorow,but the problematic pattern usually is, there's usually one customer who "pops up" at the worst time, and sabatoges my chances to get my own thing done. That this doesn't happen. Also, Sunday is my day OFF. Look up the word OFF. It means...
  3. natasha2

    Working obligations - no procrastination or obstacles

    Extra efficiency in all of my working obligations today. Schooll teacher. 2 important things done today, in Jesus name. No more procrastination or obstacles. Help from all sides. Focus and motivation.
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