I bought my ticket in a Van to travel today 5 hours on the highway with my 2 big dogs. I only have one transporter and they did fit but tight. I ask God that they are not uncomfortable and even less nervous or overheated because we are going to hot weather, and they do not vomit. My name is...
I must go to Acapulco where my house is, 5 hours from where I am currently. There is much to fix and many debts. . I don't know how to do it, because the road terrifies me. I don't have a car or drive and I have 2 big dogs that I can't leave. I am a 64-year-old single woman and Acapulco is a...
I must go to Acapulco where my house is, 5 hours from where I am currently. There is much to fix and many debts. . I don't know how to do it, because the road terrifies me. I don't have a car or drive and I have 2 big dogs that I can't leave. I am a 64-year-old single woman and Acapulco is a...
I must go to Acapulco where my house is, 5 hours from where I am currently. There is much to fix and many debts. . I don't know how I'm going to do it because the road terrifies me. I don't have a car or drive and I have 2 big dogs that I can't leave. I am a 64-year-old single woman and Acapulco...
I must go to Acapulco where my house is, 5 hours from where I am currently. But I don't know how I'm going to do it because I'm terrified of the road and I have 2 big dogs that I can't leave. My name is Lucrecia, I am from Mexico.