16 old girl

  1. Chris M.

    Prayer for protection

    Blessings and may You God hear your prayers. Please pray for us, the troublesome neighbors been throwing beer bottles, cans, yard debris in our yard. They don't have garbage service and threw rotting vegetables and food into our bushes. Then reported us when we're away. Luckily the official saw...
  2. Nurgali

    Please, pray for my friend from another ...

    Please, pray for my friend from another country. Her name is Rebekah and she's a 16 year old girl from the US. She works every day to help her big family. Recently she's been getting very tired of everything: missing her relatives, always working every day, not being able to rest, problems with...
  3. Balylian

    Hello Pastor Steven, I am a 16-year-old ...

    Hello Pastor Steven, I am a 16-year-old girl living and training to achieve the dream of becoming a choreographer. But as I listen to your sermons I got one question. I am afraid God doesn't like the job of something called "dancer" or "choreographer" should I still try and become one or do I...
  4. Cethash

    Jesus loves you.. Please pray for my ...

    Jesus loves you.. Please pray for my family. I'm 16 years old girl. There are seven members in my family.my dad, uncle and grandpa wouldn't pray they even touch the Bible.. I'm so worried. And also pray for get spiritual gift and speak of tongue.. Because our Lord's secret coming is not far...
  5. Vymryx

    Hi, there’s a child named Heniesy who ...

    Hi, there’s a child named Heniesy who possibly has congenital hydrocephalus and needs a shunt placement, another child, a 16 year old girl is possibly dying of cancer and a 76 year old named Jim has been hospitalised, the reason isn’t known at the moment but isn’t doing well. Please pray for...
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